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What to do Before and After Dermal Filler Procedure?

Dr. Vi Sharma has worked in the field of cosmetic surgery

He has a Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery, Monash University; and former member of the Australasian College of Aesthetic Medicine and the Royal Australian College of General Practice.

Dermal fillers are a popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure used to enhance the appearance of the face by adding volume and reducing the signs of aging. They are a safe and effective treatment, but it is important to prepare for and take care of yourself before and after the procedure to ensure the best possible outcome. In this post, we will discuss what you can do before and after your dermal filler procedure to ensure a safe and successful recovery.

Before The Dermal Filler Procedure:

If you are considering a dermal filler procedure, there are several things you should do beforehand to ensure a successful and safe experience. Here are some important steps to take before the procedure:

  1. Choose a qualified and experienced practitioner: Make sure to research and choose a qualified and experienced practitioner to perform the procedure. Look for someone who has been trained and certified in the use of dermal fillers and has a good reputation.
  2. Consultation: Book a consultation with the practitioner before the procedure. This will give you a chance to discuss your goals, any medical conditions or allergies you may have, and any concerns you may have about the procedure.
  3. Stop taking certain medications: You may need to stop taking certain medications or supplements before the procedure, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E, and blood thinners. This is to reduce the risk of bruising and bleeding during the procedure.
  4. Avoid alcohol and smoking: It is advisable to avoid alcohol and smoking at least 24 hours before the procedure as it can increase the risk of bruising and interfere with the healing process.
  5. Plan for downtime: Depending on the type of filler used, there may be some swelling or bruising after the procedure, so plan for some downtime and avoid any important events immediately following the procedure.
  6. Prepare for aftercare: Be sure to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your practitioner, such as avoiding sun exposure, applying ice packs to the treated area, and avoiding strenuous exercise for a few days.

By taking these steps, you can help ensure a successful and safe dermal filler procedure.

During The Dermal Filler Procedure

During a dermal filler procedure, your practitioner will typically follow these steps:

  1. Cleanse the area: Your practitioner will cleanse the area to be treated with an antiseptic solution to reduce the risk of infection.
  2. Apply numbing cream: If you are sensitive to pain, your practitioner may apply a numbing cream to the area to make the procedure more comfortable.
  3. Inject the filler: Your practitioner will then inject the dermal filler into the targeted areas using a very fine needle or cannula. They may use several injections to achieve the desired result.
  4. Assess the results: Once the injections are complete, your practitioner will assess the results and make any necessary adjustments to ensure a natural-looking outcome.
  5. Apply ice: To reduce swelling and bruising, your practitioner may apply ice to the treated area.
  6. Provide aftercare instructions: Finally, your practitioner will provide you with aftercare instructions to follow, such as avoiding certain activities or taking pain medication if necessary.

During the procedure, you may feel some slight discomfort, but the process is generally quick and relatively painless. If you experience any discomfort, let your practitioner know, and they may be able to adjust the treatment to make you more comfortable. It is important to communicate with your practitioner throughout the procedure to ensure the best possible outcome.

After The Dermal Filler Procedure

After a dermal filler procedure, it is important to follow proper aftercare instructions to ensure a safe and successful recovery. Here are some general guidelines to follow:

  1. Ice the area: Applying ice to the treated area can help reduce swelling and bruising. Use a cold compress or ice pack for 10-15 minutes at a time, several times a day.
  2. Avoid certain activities: You may need to avoid certain activities for a few days after the procedure, such as strenuous exercise, hot yoga, or anything that may increase blood flow to the treated area.
  3. Avoid touching or massaging the area: For the first few days after the procedure, it is important to avoid touching or massaging the treated area as this can cause the filler to shift or become displaced.
  4. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help the body flush out any toxins and help the filler settle into place more evenly.
  5. Avoid sun exposure: Direct sun exposure can cause the filler to break down more quickly, so it is important to avoid excessive sun exposure and use sunblock on the treated area.
  6. Follow up with your practitioner: You should schedule a follow-up appointment with your practitioner to assess the results and make any necessary adjustments.

If you experience any unusual or severe side effects after the procedure, such as extreme pain, swelling, or fever, contact your practitioner immediately. By following these aftercare guidelines, you can help ensure a safe and successful recovery from your dermal filler procedure.


In conclusion, dermal filler procedures are a popular and effective way to enhance the appearance of the face by reducing the signs of aging and adding volume to targeted areas. To ensure the best possible outcome, it is important to follow proper before and aftercare guidelines. Before the procedure, choose a qualified practitioner, consult with them, and prepare yourself by avoiding certain medications, alcohol, and smoking. After the procedure, apply ice to the treated area, avoid certain activities, stay hydrated, avoid touching the treated area, avoid sun exposure, and follow up with your practitioner. By following these guidelines, you can help ensure a safe and successful recovery from your dermal filler procedure.

If you are interested in getting a dermal filler treatment in Melbourne, we encourage you to consult with a qualified practitioner who can help determine the best treatment plan for your specific needs and goals. With their expertise and knowledge, they can guide you through the entire process, from preparation to aftercare, to ensure the best possible outcome. So, don’t wait any longer, take the first step and schedule a consultation with a qualified practitioner to learn more about how dermal fillers can help enhance your appearance and boost your confidence.


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About Dr Vi

Dr Vi Sharma is a renowned and highly trained cosmetic surgeon in Sydney, practising cosmetic surgery since 2012. He has a worldwide loyal patient base. He has a bachelor of medicine and a Bachelor of Surgery from Monash University. Dr Vi Sharma is a former member of the Australasian College of Aesthetic Medicine and the Royal Australian College of General Practice. Along with treating patients, he also provides training for doctors and nurses regarding aesthetic and cosmetic treatment modalities.

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