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Gummy Smile
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Gummy Smile Treatment in Melbourne

At Skin Club in Melbourne, we manage and treat the Gummy Smile with precision and due care. Our team of dedicated doctors works diligently to enhance your facial aesthetics by offering you our expertise in managing a Gummy Smile. Our job does not end at treatment; continual guidance is also part of our service to ensure you maintain your newfound confidence for years to come. It’s time to discover your best smile with us, at Skin Club in Melbourne.
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Ask an Expert,
Dr. Vi Sharma

Medical Director | Gen.Reg- MED0001665706

Anatomy of Gummy Smile

The gummy smile is a condition in which excessive gum tissue is seen above the top teeth when someone smiles. This occurs due to various factors including the position of teeth, size of the gums, or movement of the upper lip.
There are several types of treatments available for patients with a gummy smile such as gum contouring, lip lowering, orthodontics and surgical options based on individual requirements and various oral conditions.
In contemporary dentistry, lasers play a significant role in treating gummy smiles by reshaping excess gum tissue to provide a more balanced look. It’s a popular option due to its precision and reduced discomfort post-treatment.
Botulinum Toxin can be used to treat gummy smile by reducing the activity of overactive upper lip muscles responsible for higher elevation during a smile.
Following gummy smile treatment, it’s crucial to give good oral hygiene including daily flossing and brushing twice a day. Regular dental check ups are also crucial to manage and maintain the newly achieved results.

Before & After Photos of Gummy Smile Result

Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed. The procedures shown on this website are not suitable for everyone and each patient’s results will depend on their individual circumstances. This website does not provide medical advice. If you are considering a cosmetic procedure, please consult with a qualified healthcare professional for advice.
Cosmetic Services Comparison
What's The Difference
Laser Clinics
Cosmetic Doctor
Nurse or Medical Doctor
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
No Doctor on-site
Sterile environment
Laser Clinics
Cosmetic Doctor
Nurse or Medical Doctor
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
Yes but biased with brands
Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
No Doctor on-site
Sterile environment
Other Doctors
Cosmetic Doctor
GP / Part time Cosmetics
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
Cut costs
Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
Sterile environment
Other Doctors
Cosmetic Doctor
GP / Part time Cosmetics
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
Cut costs
Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
Sterile environment
Key Explains

The Five-Stage Approach to The Procedure

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Ask an Expert,
Dr. Vi Sharma

Medical Director | Gen.Reg- MED0001665706

Understanding Gummy Smile

A gummy smile, also known as excessive gingival display, is when a high proportion of gum tissue is visible above the upper teeth when smiling. Various factors can contribute to this aesthetic issue, such as an overgrowth of the upper jaw or a short or hyperactive upper lip.
The first step towards addressing your gummy smile is a comprehensive examination. This allows us to pinpoint the specific causes behind your excessive gingival display and tailor an appropriate treatment plan according to your oral health and aesthetic goals.
There are various non-surgical methods that can be employed to treat a gummy smile depending on the identified cause. These treatments may include orthodontic solutions, botulinum toxin injections for hyperactive lips or specific dental procedures to correct gum overgrowth.
For more significant cases where non-surgical methods are unlikely to yield satisfactory results, surgical options are available. They may range from simple gum contouring procedures to more comprehensive orthognathic surgeries that aim to reposition the jaw bone.
After undergoing a procedure for gummy smile, it is crucial to follow recovery guidelines closely. These include maintaining oral hygiene, taking prescribed medications if any, attending follow-up visits for monitoring healing progress, and avoiding strenuous activities until cleared by your doctor.
Treatments by Cosmetic Doctors

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Introduction To Gummy Smile Procedure

The gummy smile procedure is a simple, effective, and highly sought-after cosmetic procedure designed to address a common concern known as the ‘gummy smile’. The term ‘gummy smile’ is often used to describe a situation where an individual’s gums are particularly prominent, causing an excess of gum tissue to be visible when smiling.

Why Consider A Gummy Smile Procedure?

Many consider the gummy smile procedure in the quest for greater confidence and self-esteem. Our smiles play a key role in our social interactions, and feeling confident in your smile can dramatically aid overall self-esteem. The gummy smile can sometimes lead individuals to feel their teeth appear small or disproportionate, and may inhibit their willingness to express joy or happiness freely through smiling. This procedure provides an efficient solution for addressing this aesthetic concern.

Historical Context and Advancements

The original treatments for a gummy smile often involved extensive dental surgery. However, as our understanding of facial aesthetics has grown, so too have treatment options. Today’s methods are minimally invasive yet highly effective — with results that preserve natural beauty while ensuring patient comfort.
Advancements like laser technology have revolutionized the field of gum contouring, making it possible to achieve outstanding results with little downtime.

By adjusting the proportion of gum-to-tooth exposure when you smile or laugh, cosmetic doctors aim not just at enhancing your physical appearance but also improving your mental health by boosting your confidence.


Ideal Candidates for Gummy Smile Procedure

The ideal candidates for the gummy smile procedure are usually healthy adults that are self-conscious about the appearance of their gums when they smile. Age is not a general prohibition, as long as the patient is in good overall health and has fully developed face structure, which typically occurs by the mid-to-late teens.

  • Age: Typically candidates are at least 18 years old, as the facial growth should be complete.
  • Health: The ideal candidate would be in good overall health. Conditions like diabetes or autoimmune diseases may complicate recovery.
  • Specific Conditions: Far from being merely an aesthetic problem, conditions like gum disease or malocclusion might contribute to a gummy smile and should ideally be treated beforehand.

Mandatory Prerequisites and Disqualifying Factors

The primary prerequisite for patients considering this procedure is to have a comprehensive dental examination. Patients who lack oral health, have periodontal disease or severe malocclusion might not be considered suitable candidates until these issues are addressed.

Examples to Self-Assess Candidacy

If you feel self-conscious about the excessive gingival display when you smile, this could be one sign that gummy smile surgery might benefit you. For example:

  • You avoid smiling fully or often due to embarrassment about your gums showing prominently.
  • Your gums take up more than a third of your teeth when you smile – dentists often refer to this as “gingival exposure”.
  • You have had comments or jokes made about your ‘toothy’ or ‘gummy’ smile

These are just examples and a professional assessment with a Cosmetic Doctor would provide a definitive answer to your suitability for the procedure.


Financing the Gummy Smile Treatment: A Comprehensive Guide on Cost Factors and Estimates

Cosmetic Treatment Cost Comparison with Other Clinics In Melbourne

Cost Considerations for Gummy Smile Treatment

The cost of gummy smile treatment varies depending on a number of factors. It is important to consider these variables when planning for this procedure to ensure it suits your budget expectations.

Range of Potential Expenses

Considering all possible interventions, the cost can vary significantly. Some minor Botulinum toxin injections can cost around $300 to $500, while surgical methods like lip repositioning or jaw surgery can go up into a few thousand dollars. However, advanced laser treatments like gum contouring often falls somewhere between these ranges.

Factors Influencing the Cost

  • Geographic Location: The area where you live can impact the overall cost. For instance, cosmetic procedures generally tend to be more expensive in urban areas compared to rural areas.
  • Doctor’s Expertise: The more experienced and highly trained a doctor is, the more they may charge for their services.
  • Additional Services: Ancillary costs, such as anesthesia, facility fees, post-operative care and medication are not usually included in initial price quotes and can add to the total expense of the treatment.

Average Cost Ranges/ Price Estimates

The average price for a gummy smile treatment varies significantly based on the above factors and method chosen but typically ranges from $300 to several thousand dollars. Therefore, it’s advised that clients seek specific quotations from their doctors based on individual needs and circumstances.

Note: Insurance companies typically do not cover gummy smile correction as it is often considered an elective cosmetic procedure unless there are medical reasons necessitating intervention. This should also be factored into your plans when considering costs.


Consultation in Gummy Smile Treatment - Expectations and Communication Importance

Scheduling a consultation with a qualified professional is pivotal prior to embarking on any form of healthcare treatment, this includes the aesthetic treatment for ‘Gummy Smile’. Not only does this help in understanding your specific needs and goals, but it also sets a foundation for creating an effective treatment strategy that will yield optimal results.

What to Expect During a Gummy Smile Treatment Consultation

A typical consultation session will commence with an in-depth assessment by the provider. This process helps in understanding the overall health condition and the unique dental structure of every patient. It aids in figuring out the most suitable course of action.

  • Detailed Assessment: This might include several physical evaluations and tests as well as reviewing your medical history comprehensively.
  • Treatment Discussion: Post assessment, the provider will discuss potential treatment options based on the findings. Here, they will elaborate on how each approach works, their benefits, duration, costs among other details.
  • Questions and Concerns: An integral part of a consultation involves discussing any doubts or queries that you may have pertaining to the procedure. This open communication builds patient confidence by ensuring they have all pertinent information regarding treatment.

The Significance of Open Communication

Maintaining an open line of communication is significant during health-related consultations. It ensures you fully understand what to expect from each stage of the process and provides room for you to voice your concerns or potential fears about undergoing cosmetic procedures such as gummy smile correction. A good healthcare provider would prioritize patient concerns and provide comprehensive answers to all queries, thereby making the treatment process smoother and less daunting.

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Take the first step towards realising your aesthetic goals. Contact us now to book your personalised consultation. Let's embark on this journey together, where your unique needs and preferences are at the forefront of our expert care.
Questions to Ask

Questions to Ask During Your Gummy Smile Consultation

Your cosmetic doctor is the best source of information when considering a gummy smile treatment. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and make sure you understand all aspects of the treatment. Below is a list of important questions that should not be overlooked during your consultation.

Potential Risks and Benefits

  • What are the potential risks and complications associated with a gummy smile treatment?
  • What benefits can I expect from this treatment?

Alternative Treatments

  • Are there any alternatives to a gummy smile treatment that I should consider?

Expected Outcomes

  • What results can I reasonably expect after the treatment? Will it permanently correct my gummy smile or will I need repeat treatments?

Note-Taking Guidance

Taking notes during your consultation can help you remember critical information about your procedure. This may include answers to your questions, additional insights from your doctor, or specific instructions. Here’s some guidance on how to do it effectively:

  1. Be prepared: Bring with you a writing tool and a note pad, or use your smartphone note-taking app if you find it more convenient.
  2. Note everything: Don’t rely solely on memory. Make sure to jot down any data or specifics given by your doctor.
  3. Recap: At the end of the consultation, read back through your notes and make sure everything is clear. If not, ask for clarifications before leaving.

Keeping Records

Save all related documents given to you by your practitioner. This will ensure a log of your medical condition and treatment progression. Keeping records can also help with future consultations or in case of switching practitioners.

Risks and Safety

Potential Risks, Ensuring Safety Measures, and the Importance of Informed Consent for Gummy Smile Surgery

Potential Risks and Complications

As with any medical procedure, the resolution of a gummy smile comes with some potential risks and complications. Some of the most common can include:

  • Allergic reactions: There can be an allergic response to the anesthesia or other medications used during the procedure.
  • Bleeding and infection: Although rare, there is a risk of excessive bleeding during or after surgery. Infections may also occur if proper postoperative care isn’t maintained.
  • Nerve damage: The procedure carries a risk of damaging nerves in the mouth, which could cause numbness or motor function issues.
  • Undesired results: There might be unanticipated cosmetic outcomes due to individual healing processes or other unforeseen circumstances.

Safety Measures

We prioritize focus on minimizing patient risk above all else. The following steps are taken to minimise risks associated with correcting a gummy smile:

  • Patient evaluation: Careful preoperative evaluations are performed to assess patient’s health condition and suitability for the procedure.
  • Sterilization and hygiene procedures: Stringent sterilization measures are applied in both operating areas and surgical equipment to prevent infection risks.
  • Anesthetics choice: We useminimal riskanesthetics that have been tried, tested, and vetted for maximum safety.
  • Experienced doctors: The surgery will be carried out by experienced doctors who have extensive training in this particular procedure.

The Role of Informed Consent

Informed consent is vital in all medical procedures, including the correction of gummy smiles. It involves explaining all potential risks and complications to the patient and giving them an opportunity to ask questions before deciding whether to proceed.

Only after this comprehensive briefing and their willingness to undergo the procedure do we consider a patient’s consent as valid. This ensures that a patient has complete knowledge about every aspect of the treatment, acknowledging its potential risks.


Gummy Smile Procedure Preparation Guide

Proper preparation for a gummy smile procedure is essential to ensure successful outcomes and minimise potential risks. It is important to understand and adhere to the guidelines provided by your healthcare provider. Here are some general steps you should follow:

Lifestyle Adjustments

Changes to your daily habits can greatly influence the success of the procedure and recovery process. These might include:

  • Oral hygiene: Maintain optimal oral hygiene by brushing at least twice a day and flossing regularly.
  • No Smoking: If you smoke, you’ll be advised to stop as smoking can interfere with the healing process.

Dietary Restrictions

The foods you consume before the procedure may affect your overall recovery. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine at least 24 hours before the treatment.
  • You may also be advised not to eat or drink anything for several hours leading up to your appointment.


Certain medications or supplements can increase bleeding or interact negatively with anesthesia. Guidelines may include:

  • You may need to stop certain medications and supplements as advised by your healthcare provider.
  • Do not take any medication without discussing it with your doctor first.

Please note that these are general recommendations, and specific instructions may vary depending on individual circumstances. Always check with your healthcare provider for personalised pre-operative instructions related directly to your gummy smile treatment.

Failing to adhere closely to these pre-procedure guidelines can potentially compromise the results of surgery or lead to complications during recovery. It is absolutely crucial to follow your doctor’s instructions before undergoing a gummy smile procedure.


Procedure Steps for Gummy Smile Treatment: From Consultation to Recovery

Understanding a Gummy Smile: A Gummy Smile is a term used to describe an excessive display of gum tissue in your upper jaw when you smile. This cosmetic issue can affect your confidence and overall aesthetic appearance.

I. Pre-Procedure Preparation

  • Consultation: The treatment process begins with a detailed consultation with the cosmetic doctor. Here, your concerns and expectations are discussed, along with an assessment of your dental health.
  • Treatment Planning: Based on the initial consultation, a personalised treatment plan is drafted considering various factors such as the cause of the gummy smile, the severity of the condition, and your aesthetic goals.
  • Risks and Side Effects Discussion: Your doctor will discuss potential risks and side effects associated with this treatment. They will also brief you about post-treatment care.
  • Scheduling of Appointment: Once you’re informed about all aspects of the procedure and agree to proceed, an appointment is scheduled for your treatment.

II. The Gummy Smile Correction Procedure

The steps involved in this procedure are illustrated below in sequence:

  1. Anesthesia: Anesthetic cream or solution is applied to numb the gum tissues in order to ensure a Minimally painful procedure.
  2. Treatment Application: Depending on the chosen treatment method (laser therapy or Botulinum toxin injections etc.), accurate doses are applied along the gums to reshape or minimise their appearance while you smile.
  3. Cleaning: After the treatment is completed, the mouth is thoroughly cleaned to ensure no residues are left.

III. Post-Procedure Care

Post-procedure care will vary based on the chosen method of gummy smile correction:

  1. Guidelines: You will receive specific guidelines from your doctor. This can include limiting the intake of hot food and beverages and refraining from strenuous physical activities for a few days.
  2. Medication: Painkillers or antibiotics might be prescribed to help any discomfort or prevent infection post procedure.
  3. Follow-Up Check-ups: Regular follow-ups might be scheduled to monitor the healing process and make any necessary adjustments.

Gummy Smile Treatment is a cosmetic procedure that aims to provide you with an aesthetically pleasing smile and improve your overall facial appearance, leading to improved self-confidence.


Gummy Smile Treatment Recovery Process

Undergoing a gummy smile treatment can result in a dramatic improvement in your overall appearance and self-confidence. However, as with any medical procedure, it’s important to understand the recovery process to ensure an optimal outcome. Below you will find some vital information outlining how you can expect to navigate through this period.

Recovery Duration and Post-Operative Care

The recovery time for gummy smile treatment varies for each patient and depends on the method of treatment used. The majority of patients begin to see improvement within a week after a non-surgical intervention like Botulinum toxin or fillers, while those receiving surgical treatments should expect a slightly longer recovery period of 1-2 weeks. Upon completion of your procedure, you will receive specific post-care instructions that may include gentle cleansing of the treated area, use of prescribed or over-the-counter pain relievers, and guidelines for oral hygiene.

Pain Management and Physical Restrictions

Pain following a gummy smile treatment is typically minimal, and most patients describe it as mild discomfort rather than severe pain. This can usually be managed with over-the-counter painkillers recommended by your doctor. In terms of physical restrictions, strenuous activities and heavy lifting should be avoided for the first few days post-op but there are no strict limitations related to routine daily tasks.

Follow-Up Appointments

Follow-up appointments are an integral part of the recovery process. During these scheduled visits, your cosmetic doctor will monitor healing progress, address any lingering concerns or complications, and discuss any further treatments if necessary.

Possible Side Effects or Complications

While rare, complications from gummy smile treatment can occur.Common side effects may include swelling, bruising, and slight discomfort in the treated area. However, these are typically temporary and subside within a few days. More serious complications like infection or persistent bleeding are rare but require immediate medical attention.

In summary, understanding your recovery process ensures a smoother healing journey post-treatment. Always follow your cosmetic doctor’s instructions closely to ensure the best possible results from your gummy smile procedure.


Post-Procedure Results and Care for Gummy Smile Treatment

The Gummy Smile Treatment offers a variety of aesthetic and functional benefits to individuals who suffer from an excess display of gum tissue when smiling. Here, we will discuss what you can expect after the procedure, in both the short-term and long-term, and provide a general timeline for visibility of results.

Expected Outcomes

In the short-term, patients can expect a minimal amount of discomfort or swelling along the gum line. However, these minor side effects typically subside within a few days.
In the long-term, once healing is complete, patients will observe a noticeable reduction in the prominence of their gums when they smile. Essentially, this treatment aims to create a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing ratio between the teeth and gums.

Timeline for Results

The cosmetic improvements from Gummy Smile Treatment typically start to become visible about one to two weeks after treatment when any post-procedure swelling has completely subsided. Major improvements are usually noticeable within one month post-treatment and should continue to improve over time as your mouth adjusts to its new appearance.

Maintenance and Aftercare

The sustainability of these achieved results is primarily dependent upon good oral hygiene practices. Following your procedure:

  • Maintain regular check-ups with your oral healthcare provider;
  • Routinely brush and floss your teeth;
  • Avoid habits that may damage your teeth like smoking or excessive consumption of sugary foods/drinks.

Your cosmetic doctor will provide further personalised guidance about how best to maintain your result based on your specific circumstances.
Successful completion of the Gummy Smile Treatment pairs facets of health and aesthetics to provide a beautiful and confident smile you’ll be proud of for years to come.


People Also Ask

What exactly is a Gummy Smile?

A “gummy smile,” medically referred to as excessive gingival display, is a condition where an excessive amount of gum tissue shows above the top teeth when you smile.

A gummy smile can occur due to various reasons such as an overgrowth of the upper jaw, a short or hyperactive upper lip, or abnormal eruption of the teeth.

Not at all–a gummy smile is not a disease or health issue but merely an aesthetic preference for some people.

Several cosmetic procedures can fix a gummy smile including gum contouring or sculpting, lip repositioning, braces and even Botulinum toxin injections.

Yes! There are non-invasive treatments like Botulinum toxin which can be administered by trained and professional cosmetic doctors.

The recovery time depends on the type of treatment received. However, most people usually recover within 3-14 days post-treatment.

The effects duration varies with the type of procedure. Some treatments may offer permanent results while others may last from six months to several years.

All medical procedures carry some level of risk but these are often very minimal especially when performed by qualified professionals. It’s essential to discuss potential risks and complications with your provider before treatment.

Most treatments for a gummy smile involve minimal discomfort. In most cases, local anesthesia or numbing cream is used to make the process more comfortable.

Most insurance companies consider this sort of treatment as cosmetic and therefore, not covered in plans. You’ll need to verify with your insurance company first.

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Key Research Articles on Gummy Smile

We trawled through hundreds of studies to create the very best pool of knowledge for you. These are our favourites.

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SKIN CLUB Cosmetic Doctors is located on Chapel Street near Windsor station, with accessible public transport and parking. Situated in the Chapel Street shopping district, we’re easy to spot.