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Russian Lips
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Russian Lips Treatment in Melbourne

Skin Club offers the intriguing Russian Lips technique to clients in Melbourne. This cutting-edge practice, led by experienced cosmetic doctors, focuses on enhancing the natural beauty of lips using innovative procedures. With the Russian Lips procedure in Melbourne, Skin Club is fulfilling its commitment to provide outstanding cosmetic services that illustrate elegance and sophistication. It’s not about altering features; it’s about refining them, and our team of experts ensure just that. Experience the transformation at Skin Club today.
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Ask an Expert,
Dr. Vi Sharma

Medical Director | Gen.Reg- MED0001665706

Treatment Focus

Russian Lips treatment primarily focuses on enhancing the lip’s volume and profile without dramatically changing its natural shape. It involves a specific technique used to make lips fuller while maintaining proportionate results.
The non-surgical treatment employs the use of hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers. The method involves injections at multiple angles combined with an artistic understanding of the lip anatomy for an optimal outcome.
Typically, a Russian Lips procedure takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes per session based on individual circumstances. Touch-ups or future treatments might be needed depending upon the longevity of filler and personal preferences.
Post-treatment, one may experience minor side effects like swelling, tenderness, redness or slight discomfort around the injection area. These side effects generally are temporary and subside within few days post-treatment.
As with most non-permanent treatments, maintenance is necessary for sustained results. On average, hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers from a Russian Lips procedure last between six to twelve months before being naturally absorbed by your body.

Before & After Photos of Russian Lips Result

Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed. The procedures shown on this website are not suitable for everyone and each patient’s results will depend on their individual circumstances. This website does not provide medical advice. If you are considering a cosmetic procedure, please consult with a qualified healthcare professional for advice.
Cosmetic Services Comparison
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Laser Clinics
Cosmetic Doctor
Nurse or Medical Doctor
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
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Sterile environment
Laser Clinics
Cosmetic Doctor
Nurse or Medical Doctor
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
Yes but biased with brands
Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
No Doctor on-site
Sterile environment
Other Doctors
Cosmetic Doctor
GP / Part time Cosmetics
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
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Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
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Other Doctors
Cosmetic Doctor
GP / Part time Cosmetics
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
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Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
Sterile environment
Key Explains

The Five-Stage Approach to The Procedure

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Ask an Expert,
Dr. Vi Sharma

Medical Director | Gen.Reg- MED0001665706

Anatomy of the Lips

The first step in the Russian lips procedure is understanding the anatomy of the lips. This includes detailed analysis of the Cupid’s bow, philtrum, vermillion border and other vital aspects of this complex facial feature.
An intricate part of this procedure involves using advanced injection techniques to deliver non-animal hyaluronic acid dermal fillers. These techniques typically include needle injections or blunt-tip cannula injections. The method chosen will depend on your lip structure, skin health and desired outcome.
In contrast with traditional filling techniques that aim for volume enhancement, Russian Lips technique focuses more on creating a distinct shape – upward projection rather than outward projection – with a pronounced Cupid’s bow. This helps achieve a unique fuller-yet-natural appearance as per individual preference.
Following your treatment, it is essential to take proper care of your lips to maintain results and minimise potential side effects such as minor swelling or bruising. Proper hydration and moisturizing along with avoiding extreme temperatures will aid in achieving optimal results.
Results achieved using this treatment often last for up to 6 months but can vary based on factors like metabolism rate, lifestyle etc. Follow-up appointments will be needed to assess treatment effectiveness over time and decide when additional touch-ups may be beneficial.
Treatments by Cosmetic Doctors

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Introduction To Russian Lips

In the world of beauty and aesthetics where your dreams can become a reality. Among the many non-surgical cosmetic procedures we offer, one of the most sought-after is the Russian Lips treatment. This intriguingly named procedure is all about giving you plump, pouty lips à la Russian style!

Purpose of Russian Lips Procedure

Why do people consider the Russian Lips procedure? The main aim of this treatment is to enhance one’s natural lip shape and size by creating a more voluminous, full look. It addresses not only concerns related to thin lips but also adjusts asymmetry and fine lines around the mouth area.

The ‘Russian Style’ has gained massive popularity in recent years due to its unique ability to provide an uplifted, heart-shaped appearance, enhancing your overall facial aesthetics without crossing over into an unnatural look.

Historical Context and Advancements

In terms of historical context, lip augmentation procedures have been around for quite some time. However, it was only recently that this unique technique emerged. The term ‘Russian Lips’ was inspired by an observed trend among Russian women who are known for their luscious, heart-shaped pouts.

As far as advancements in the field go, this technique epitomizes modern cosmetic science’s evolution because it leverages hyaluronic acid fillers which are safe, reversible and associated with minimal downtime.

This fascinating blend of art and science allows us to create a natural-looking fullness that feels just as good as it looks – truly encompassing what aesthetic treatments stand for in today’s world!


Ideal Candidates for the Russian Lips Procedure

The perfect candidates for the Russian Lips procedure typically fit certain demographic and health criteria. Firstly, the ideal age for candidates would be adults who are in their late twenties to early fifties. This age range is often when noticeable changes in lip volume, shape, or contour may occur due to aging.

Health-wise, a good candidate should be in overall good condition. They must not have any serious health issues or conditions that could affect their healing process. Furthermore, they should ideally have realistic expectations about the outcome of this non-surgical lip enhancement procedure.

Prerequisites and Disqualifying Factors

There are a few fundamental prerequisites that potential candidates must meet before undergoing a Russian Lips procedure:

  • Good General Health: Any serious medical conditions that could potentially interfere with normal healing processes can exclude someone as a candidate.
  • No Active Lip Infections: Individuals with any current infections, particularly on the lips (such as cold sores), are not suitable candidates.
  • Pregnancy and Nursing: Pregnant or nursing women should abstain from having this procedure done due to potential risks to the fetus or baby.

If not cleared for these prerequisites, an individual might be disqualified from getting the treatment. It’s important to disclose your full medical history and current health status to your cosmetic doctor before proceeding with any form of cosmetic enhancement.

Self-Assessment Scenarios

To help determine whether you are a suitable candidate for the Russian Lips treatment, consider these examples:

  • You’re 30 years old and healthy but feel that your lips have lost some of their youthful plumpness – this procedure could be a suitable treatment for enhancing your natural lip volume.
  • You’re a 45-year-old woman having active cold sores – It would not be advisable to undergo this treatment until the cold sores are fully healed.

Remember, these scenarios are just examples. Ultimately, a consultation with a qualified cosmetic doctor can help you determine if the Russian Lips procedure is right for you.


Exploring the Costs Associated with Russian Lip Augmentation

Cosmetic Treatment Cost Comparison with Other Clinics In Melbourne

Cost of Russian Lip Augmentation

There are a few key factors to consider when determining the cost of a Russian Lips augmentation procedure. It is paramount to bear in mind that the total cost can vary significantly depending on several variables.

Potential Range of Expenses

While the price can significantly differ based on different factors, an average estimate for a Russian Lips procedure generally ranges from $200 to $800+ per session.

Factors Influencing Cost

  • Geographic Location: The region or city where you are getting the procedure done can have a considerable impact on costs. Larger cities and regions with higher costs of living typically charge more for such cosmetic procedures than smaller towns.
  • Doctor’s Expertise: The level of experience and reputation of the doctor also play a significant role in the overall cost. More established doctors tend to charge more due to their superior skills and expertise.
  • Additional Services: Besides the basic fee for the procedure, there may be additional costs for services such as anesthesia, post-operative care, and follow-up appointments. These can add considerably to the total expense.

Average Cost Ranges or Price Estimates

In general, patients might expect an initial consultation fee ranging between $50 – $100, which often goes towards your treatment if you proceed with it. Subsequent treatment sessions typically range from $200-$800+, often depending on repeat visits or adjustment requirements after reviewing results from previous sessions. Remember that these are only estimates and prices can fluctuate based on previously mentioned factors including geographical location and doctor expertise.


Consultation for Russian Lips Treatment

Scheduling a consultation is a pivotal stage in your decision to enhance your appearance via Russian Lips treatment. It is imperative to meet with a qualified healthcare provider or professional who can offer professional guidance based on comprehensive knowledge and expertize.
This consultation allows for vital checks which help to mitigate any potential risk, and provides an opportunity to get personalised advice tailored to your specific requirements.

What to Expect During the Consultation?

  • Assessment: The healthcare provider will undertake a detailed examination of your lips and mouth area. This will help in determining how suitable the treatment is for you and identify the best techniques that can be employed.
  • Discussion: After conducting an assessment, prospective patients will have an open discussion about their expectations, concerns, and goals with the treatment. Providing clarity allows for realistic outcomes regarding what the treatment can achieve.
  • Ask Questions: There’s also room during consultation for patients to ask questions about any aspect of the Russian Lips procedure they’re not clear of or want more understanding on. This transparency helps build confidence in the procedure as well as promote patient satisfaction.

The Value of Open Communication

The significance of open communication in this process cannot be overstressed. It’s necessary for patients (you), to express all fears, queries, desires or anything you might want addressed regarding this cosmetic modification.
This level of candor will ensure that you are convinced by all means that electing Russian lips is indeed beneficial according to their aesthetic goals.

Note: Never hesitate about discussing anything concerning this procedure with your healthcare provider; they are there to ensure you get nothing but optimal outcomes and sufficient satisfaction.

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Take the first step towards realising your aesthetic goals. Contact us now to book your personalised consultation. Let's embark on this journey together, where your unique needs and preferences are at the forefront of our expert care.
Questions to Ask

Questions to Ask During Your Russian Lips Consultation

During your consultation, it’s crucial to have a list of questions ready for your healthcare provider. It not only helps you understand what the Russian Lips procedure entails but also prepares you for any potential risks and expectations. Here are some recommended questions to get you started:

Potential Risks and Benefits

  • What are the potential risks associated with the Russian Lips procedure?
  • What are the benefits I can expect from this treatment?

Alternative Treatments

  • Are there alternative treatments available for lip enhancement?
  • If so, could you elaborate on these alternative treatments and how they compare to the Russian Lips technique?

Expected Outcomes

  • What results should I expect from the Russian Lips procedure?
  • How long does it typically take to see these results?

Taking Notes and Keeping Records of Consultation

Taking notes is a practical way of consolidating all learned information in one place. It ensures that you remember every aspect discussed during your consultation. Below are some guidelines on how to take effective notes:

Note-taking Tips:

  1. Jot down answers as soon as your healthcare provider gives them.
  2. If something is unclear or confusing, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification.
  3. Apart from note-taking during sessions, keeping records after each visit is equally important. These records serve as reference points when deciding on moving forward with treatments or consultations.
    Tips for Keeping Records:

    1. Keep a special folder or document where consultation notes, medical history, and treatment details are stored.
    2. Make sure to date each entry for easy referencing in the future.
Risks and Safety

Risks, Safety Measures, and Importance of Informed Consent in Russian Lips Treatment

Potential Risks and Complications

Like any cosmetic procedure, Russian Lips treatment comes with its own set of potential risks and complications. These may include:

  • Allergic reaction: especially if you have an allergy to Lidocaine, an anesthetic commonly used in this treatment.
  • Swelling or bruising: This can occur post-procedure but generally subsides within a few days.
  • Infections: This is a possibility with any procedure involving needle use. However, it is rare due to the sterile nature of the procedure room and tools.
  • Asymmetry or irregularities: Although rare, there may be instances of unevenness in your lips following the procedure.

Safety Measures

To minimise these risks, several safety measures are put in place including:

  1. Ideal care of tools and operation area: All tools are sterilized before use and the operation area is maintained at high sanitary levels.
  2. Careful patient screening: We carry out a detailed medical history review to identify any potential problems or allergies that might put you at risk during the procedure.
  3. Qualified professionals: The procedure is always performed by highly trained professionals who adhere to all safety protocols.
  4. Meticulous aftercare guidance: Patients are provided with specific instructions on post-procedure care to minimise complications such as infection.

The role of Informed Consent

Informed consent plays an essential role in acknowledging potential risks associated with the Russian Lips treatment. Prior to the procedure, we will explain all potential risks and safety measures in detail. Consent is then obtained from each client who understands and accepts these risks willingly.


Preparing for Russian Lip Augmentation: Steps to Take and Medications to Avoid

Ensuring a successful Russian lip augmentation procedure involves proper preparation. It’s vital that prospective patients follow all pre-procedure instructions given by their healthcare provider.

Steps to Take

  1. Consultation: The first step is to schedule a consultation with the provider. It is an ideal time to discuss the expected results, potential risks, and get personalised advice on how to prepare.
  2. Lifestyle Adjustments: Depending on your current lifestyle and health status, you might need to make some changes at least two weeks before the procedure, such as cessation of smoking and reduction of alcohol intake.
  3. Skin Care: Proper lips’ hygiene is crucial as it reduces the risk of post-procedure infection. Start lip exfoliation and moisturization regimen few days before the treatment.
  4. Dietary Adjustments: Avoiding foods rich in Vitamin E and Ginkgo Biloba will help limit bleeding and bruising.
  5. Fitness Routine: It might be necessary to suspend strenuous physical activities a few days before your appointment.

Minding Medications

Several types of medications should be avoided in days leading up to your treatment due to increased risk of bleeding or negative interactions;

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) including ibuprofen and naproxen among others
  • Blood thinners such as warfarin or clopidogrel should not be taken without approval from your doctor who is managing these medications for you.
  • Vitamin supplements like vitamin E aid Arnicare
  • Herbal Supplements including Garlic, Gingko and Ginseng

The Importance of Preparation

Adhering to the provided pre-operative instructions is essential to protect your health, minimise potential complications, and ensure optimum treatment results. If you have questions or concerns about any of these guidelines, please do not hesitate to contact your healthcare provider.


Steps for Russian Lips Procedure: Preparation, Treatment, and Post-Care Guidelines

The Russian Lips procedure is a revolutionary technique in cosmetic medicine. It involves the use of dermal fillers to enhance the lips, creating a sharper lip contour and fuller appearance that lasts for months. The process can be broken down into three main stages: the preparation phase, the treatment phase, and post-procedure care.

Phase 1: Preparation for the Procedure

  1. Consultation: Every procedure begins with an in-depth consultation to assess your lip structure and discuss your aesthetic goals.
  2. Numbing: To minimise discomfort during the procedure, I apply a topical anesthetic cream to your lips. This usually takes about 20-30 minutes to take effect.


Avoid any blood-thinning medications or supplements for several days before your appointment to reduce the risk of bruising.

Phase 2: The Treatment

  1. Filling: Using a thin needle or cannula, I inject small amounts of dermal filler into precise locations on your lips. The aim is not just to augment volume but also enhance shape and symmetry.
  2. Molding: After injection, I’ll gently mold the filler to ensure it’s evenly distributed and correctly shaped according to your desired appearance.


The procedure typically lasts between 20 mins – 1 hour depending upon individual requirements.

Phase 3: Post-Procedure Care

  • The recovery after getting Russian Lips is typically minimal. Some swelling or bruising is common, but these effects should subside within a week.

  • Post-procedure recommendations include avoiding vigorous exercise and exposure to intense heat(real sauna) for 24 hours. This allows the filler to settle properly.

  • Avoid touching or massaging your lips for 24 hours to prevent moving the filler.


If you experience severe pain or abnormal swelling, get in touch immediately.


Russian Lips Procedure Recovery Guide

The recovery process from a Russian Lips treatment is usually swift, with the majority of patients resuming their normal activities within 24 to 48 hours of the procedure. Nevertheless, as with any cosmetic procedure, individual outcomes and recovery times vary based on personal factors.

Post-Operative Care Instructions

  • Ice: You should gently apply ice to your lips in the first 24 hours post-procedure to help minimise any potential swelling.
  • Hydration: Drinking plenty of water can aid in healing and maintaining lip plumpness after the treatment.
  • Cosmetic Products: Avoid using cosmetics or lip products for at least 12 hours following treatment.
  • Sun Exposure: Protect your lips from excessive sun and heat for at least 72 hours following the treatment to avoid inflammation or swelling.

Pain Management and Physical Restrictions

You may experience mild discomfort, swelling, or bruising immediately post-procedure. These symptoms should subside within a few days. Over-the-counter pain relievers are often sufficient for managing discomfort. It’s recommended that you avoid strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours after receiving your Russian Lips treatment as it could exacerbate swelling.

Follow-Up Appointments

A follow-up appointment is typically scheduled a few weeks after your initial procedure. This check-up helps ensure you are healing properly and aids us in addressing any potential concerns early.

Potential Side Effects or Complications

Potential side effects of Russian Lips can include but are not limited to temporary bruising, swelling, redness, tenderness or an allergic reaction to the filler. Although uncommon, if you experience severe pain or any unusual symptoms, it’s paramount that you contact us immediately.


Expected Results and Maintenance of a Russian Lips Procedure

The Russian Lips procedure is designed to give you a distinct and attractive lip shape. The expected outcomes vary depending on individual circumstances, but here’s what you can generally expect.

Short-Term Results

Immediately after the procedure, your lips will be swollen and may feel sensitive. Over the next few days, the swelling will subside as your lips heal. Most clients report seeing their real results about a week after the procedure.

Long-Term Results

In the long term, your lips will have a beautiful vertical plumpness that is characteristic of the ‘Russian Lips’ look. This should last anywhere from six months to a year depending on your metabolism rate which affects how quickly you absorb and break down substances injected into your body.

When to Expect Visible Results

You can expect to start seeing noticeable results around one week after your treatment once initial swelling has subsided. However, maximum results are usually visible after about four weeks when healing is complete.

Maintenance and Aftercare

To maintain the results of your Russian Lips treatment, it could be necessary to have touch-ups usually every six to twelve months, dependent on individual needs and desired outcome

  • Maintain good hydration: Regularly moisturizing and protecting them from harsh weather conditions will help maintain their plumpness and ensure they do not dry out or crack.
  • Avoid strenuous activity: At least 24 hours after treatment avoid any strenuous exercise or extreme temperature environments such as saunas or ice rooms which might increase inflammation or bleeding at injection sites.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking: For at least 24 hours after treatment, as these may increase swelling and delay healing.

Your cosmetic doctor will provide more detailed, personalised aftercare instructions based on your specific situation.


People Also Ask

What are Russian Lips?

Russian Lips is a unique lip augmentation technique used to enhance the volume and shape of the lips while maintaining an upright and defined cupid’s bow shape. It creates a more vertical lip appearance than the conventional method.

Traditional lip fillers often focus on boosting volume throughout the whole lip equally, whereas Russian Lips treatment targets specific areas, creating an enhanced projection and inverted heart or “V” shaped lips.

The pain level greatly depends upon individual sensitivity. However, you may experience minimal discomfort due to local anesthesia applied during the procedure.

You will start noticing results immediately after injection, which will continue to improve following a few days as any potential swelling diminishes.

Possible side effects include redness, swelling, pain at the site of injection, bruising or tenderness. These symptoms usually resolve within two weeks post-procedure.

The lasting effects of a Russian Lips treatment significantly depend on individual factors such as lifestyle and metabolism but generally last between 6-12 months.

A consultation with your cosmetic doctor is necessary before deciding whether Russian Lips is right for you. Individual health status, medical history, aesthetic goals are factors considered during consultation.

It’s advisable to wait 24 hours after the treatment before applying any special lip products or lipstick.

No! With Russian Lips, the aim is to enhance your natural features and shapes. The procedure produces a more defined shape rather than just inflated lips, creating natural results when performed correctly by an experienced professional

Post-procedure, it is recommended to avoid makeup application on the treated area and exposure to extreme heat (sunbathing, sauna) or intense cold.

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Key Research Articles on Russian Lips

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SKIN CLUB Cosmetic Doctors is located on Chapel Street near Windsor station, with accessible public transport and parking. Situated in the Chapel Street shopping district, we’re easy to spot.