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PRP Hair Loss
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PRP Hair Loss Treatment in Melbourne

PRP Treatment for Hair Loss is a revolutionary solution that Skin Club offers in Melbourne. The service involves a non-surgical process where doctors use your own platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to stimulate natural hair growth. Skin Club, standing strong in Melbourne, offers this innovative approach to tackle hair loss under strict medical supervision of our reputable doctors.
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Ask an Expert,
Dr. Vi Sharma

Medical Director | Gen.Reg- MED0001665706

Principle behind PRP Treatment

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy involves the extraction, concentration, and re-application of a patient’s own blood components to stimulate natural hair growth. The concentrated plasma, rich in platelets and growth factors, is often regarded as a restorative cell therapy for hair regrowth.
PRP treatment functions by injecting your concentrated plasma into areas of the scalp that require increased hair growth. The rich stores of essential proteins and growth factors in the plasma stimulate inactive or newly implanted hair follicles, promoting active growth.
While results may vary depending upon the individual’s underlying health condition and cause of hair loss, PRP has shown promising outcomes in patients with pattern baldness or thinning areas on the scalp. Its effectiveness is based on its ability to rejuvenate blood supply and nutrients to the targeted areas leading to natural hair regrowth.
Depending upon severity of hair loss, treatment plan might involve around three treatments in a span of four to six weeks followed by maintenance treatments every three to six months. Each session typically lasts around 60-90 minutes.
With PRP procedure utilizing patient’s own blood components, there are minimal possibilities for reactions or side effects beyond inflammation at injection points. Some temporary side effects can include mild pain during treatment, scalp tenderness post-procedure or minor swelling.
Risks and complications

All claims made on this website or in articles regarding cosmetic procedures are highly subjective and your experiences may vary.

The information provided is not intended as medical advice and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Recovery time, side effects, and pain associated with cosmetic procedures can also be subjective and can vary depending on the individual’s circumstances, perspective, and personal preferences.

The information provided on this website is not intended to replace the advice of a qualified medical practitioner and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Each individual must consult with a qualified medical practitioner before making any decisions to undergo any cosmetic procedure.

The content on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Some procedures may have minimal downtime, while others may require several weeks or months of recovery.

The level of pain and discomfort can also range from mild to severe, however, in most circumstances, the minimal amount of downtime and pain is endured.

It’s important to have a clear understanding and realistic expectations of the procedure, the recovery process, and the potential risks and side effects before making a decision to undergo any cosmetic procedure.

It’s essential to have open communication with your medical practitioner to have a clear understanding of what you can expect during and after the procedure, and to make sure that you are making a well-informed decision.

It is essential that each individual consults with a qualified medical practitioner prior to undergoing any procedure. 

Every surgery has its own procedure specific risks. Some general risks that can potentially occur across a number of procedures include:
Undesirable Cosmetic Outcome

While cosmetic surgery aims for improved aesthetics, individual results may vary. Clear communication with your surgeon about your expectations is crucial to achieve the desired outcome.


Infection is a possible complication after any surgery. Strict sterile protocols are followed to minimize this risk, but it's essential to monitor for signs of infection and seek prompt medical attention if any concerns arise.


Pain is common after surgery, and appropriate pain management strategies will be discussed with you to ensure your comfort during the recovery period.

Nerve Damage

Nerve damage is a rare but potential risk associated with surgery. Surgeons take precautions to avoid nerve injury, but it's essential to be aware of this possibility.

Bruising and Swelling

Bruising and swelling are common side effects following surgery. These usually resolve over time as part of the healing process.


While efforts are made to minimize bleeding during surgery, some bleeding is normal. Excessive bleeding should be reported to your medical team.


Scarring is a natural part of the healing process after surgery. The extent of scarring can vary based on factors like the type of procedure and individual healing.


A seroma is a collection of fluid under the skin. It can occur after surgery and may require drainage or other treatments.

Anesthetic Complications

Anesthetic complications are rare but possible. Anesthesia providers are highly trained to minimize these risks.

This section provides useful information on general risks related to surgery. Similar information on the risks related to specific procedures provided on the relevant procedure page.

Before & After Photos of PRP Hair Loss Result

Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed. The procedures shown on this website are not suitable for everyone and each patient’s results will depend on their individual circumstances. This website does not provide medical advice. If you are considering a cosmetic procedure, please consult with a qualified healthcare professional for advice.
Cosmetic Services Comparison
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Laser Clinics
Cosmetic Doctor
Nurse or Medical Doctor
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
No Doctor on-site
Sterile environment
Laser Clinics
Cosmetic Doctor
Nurse or Medical Doctor
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
Yes but biased with brands
Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
No Doctor on-site
Sterile environment
Other Doctors
Cosmetic Doctor
GP / Part time Cosmetics
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
Cut costs
Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
Sterile environment
Other Doctors
Cosmetic Doctor
GP / Part time Cosmetics
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
Cut costs
Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
Sterile environment
Key Explains

The Five-Stage Approach to The Procedure

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Ask an Expert,
Dr. Vi Sharma

Medical Director | Gen.Reg- MED0001665706

Initial Consultation

The first step of the PRP treatment procedure is an in-depth consultation with each patient to discuss their specific concerns and evaluate the degree of hair loss. During this phase, we analyze scalp health, family history of hair loss, lifestyle factors, and overall health status to ensure the viability of the treatment for them.
PRP therapy begins with drawing a small amount of blood from the patient’s arm, similar to a routine blood test. This blood sample will be used to generate the Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), which is rich in growth factors that stimulate hair growth when injected into areas of hair loss.
The collected blood sample is then placed in a centrifuge machine that spins at high speed. This process separates platelets from other components within the blood, yielding a concentration of platelets above baseline levels or what we call PRP.
Once prepared, this platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is then introduced back into the scalp using very fine needles to precisely target areas where hair loss is most prominent. These injections deliver high concentrations of growth-promoting substances directly to the follicles where they stimulate regeneration.
Patients may require multiple sessions depending on the severity of their condition and their response to initial sessions – usually every 3-6 months or as advised by your doctor based on progress made thus far. Post-treatment care includes avoiding harsh chemicals or heat treatments that could damage newly growing hairs and maintaining a regular session schedule for optimal results. Remember that it is normal not to see immediate results after PRP therapy since hair growth cycle takes time and new hairs could take several months before they become visible.
Treatments by Cosmetic Doctors

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Introduction To PRP Treatment for Hair Loss

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) Treatment is a novel approach employed in the field of Aesthetic skin care specialty to combat hair loss. This technique, while new, has gained significant traction owing to its promising results and non-invasive nature.

The Purpose of PRP Treatment

The main objective of PRP Treatment is to stimulate hair growth using the body’s own resources. This procedure harnesses the rejuvenation capabilities of platelet-rich plasma to repair and regenerate damaged hair follicles. Consequently, patients who are suffering from thinning hair or pattern baldness often consider this treatment as it can help restore not just their hairline, but also their confidence.

A Brief History and Advancements

Although initially used in orthopedics and sports medicine, the application of PRP as a treatment for hair loss dates back to 2006. Since then, it has made substantial strides. With ongoing research revealing more about the regenerative potential of our blood’s platelets, this treatment method continues its dynamic evolution within aesthetic medicine.

Note:While results may not be immediate, significant improvements are noticeable over months with a consistent regimen.

  • Strong emphasis on patient’s medical history: This ensures that PRP is indeed a viable option for them.
  • Non-surgical approach: The procedure only involves small injections into the scalp area.
  • Natural process: Uses body’s own plasma therefore minimal chance for allergic reactions or other adverse events.

Ideal Candidates for PRP Treatment for Hair Loss

The ideal candidates for PRP treatment for hair loss can range in age and involve both genders. While hair loss can affect any age group, it’s more common among individuals in their 30s to 50s. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of this treatment isn’t limited by age and can work quite successfully on older individuals as well.
Healthy individuals who have started to notice thinning or shedding hair are perfect candidates. The PRP method leverages the body’s healing capabilities, accelerating natural growth factors within the body.

Conditions that are likely to respond well to PRP treatment include:

  • Alopecia Areata: A condition characterized by sudden hair loss in patches.
  • Androgenic Alopecia: Also known as male-pattern baldness or female-pattern hair loss.

Prerequisites and Disqualifying Factors

Forminimal riskpractices, there are certain prerequisites that candidates must meet before undergoing a PRP treatment for hair loss. These include general good health and realistic expectations regarding outcomes of the procedure.

Necessary laboratory investigations like complete blood count, coagulation profile and hormones could be beneficial to rule out any contraindications to this therapy.

Certain conditions may disqualify someone from undergoing PRP treatment. These include:

  • Cancer/chemotherapy treatments
  • Malignancy or metabolic disorders
  • Skin diseases or infections on the scalp
  • Poor overall health condition.

Candidate Self-Assessment Scenarios

Scenario 1: John is a 35-year-old man who has noticed significant hair thinning over the past few years. The hair loss is gradually increasing, particularly around the crown area. He is generally fit and healthy with no other underlying ailments. John could be an ideal candidate for PRP treatment.

Scenario 2: Susan, a 55-year-old woman, struggles with sudden hair loss appearing in patches all over her scalp. She consults a cosmetic doctorwho diagnoses her with Alopecia Areata. Apart from this condition, Susan is otherwise healthy and could potentially benefit from PRP treatment.

Scenario 3: Richard, at the age of 45, suffers from chronic liver disease. Even though he has been experiencing significant hair loss recently, his current health condition may disqualify him as a suitable candidate for PRP treatment.


Understanding the Financial Aspects of PRP Treatment for Hair Loss

Cosmetic Treatment Cost Comparison with Other Clinics In Melbourne

Cost of PRP Treatment for Hair Loss

The exact cost of PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) treatment for hair loss varies, depending on several factors. However, it’s essential to understand the range of potential expenses before making a decision.

Potential Expenses

PRP treatment is not typically covered by insurance companies as it is classified as a cosmetic procedure. Therefore, patients are usually required to cover the full cost. The total expenditure graph will look something like this: The initial consultation, the treatment cycles themselves (usually several needed), and any additional aftercare or supplementary treatments.

Factors Influencing the Cost

  • Geographic location : The cost of living and the typical medical service costs in your area can significantly influence how much you’ll be charged for this treatment.
  • Doctor’s expertise : The skill level and experience of your chosen medical practitioner plays a vital role in determining the overall cost. Renowned experts tend to charge more than their less experienced counterparts due to their expertise and success rates.
  • Additional services : Some clinics include anesthesia costs in their package, while others don’t. Besides, certain clinics may offer follow-up care included in the overall price or offer it separately. It’s important to ask what exactly the quote includes.

Average Cost Range

While specific prices can vary widely depending on many variables, including those mentioned above, patients might generally expect to pay between $500 and $2,500 per session for PRP treatments for hair loss.

Finally, remember that while cost is undeniably a significant consideration, it shouldn’t be the only factor guiding your decision. The qualifications and expertise of the practitioner, along with patient satisfaction and success rates, should equally influence your final choice.


Guide to PRP Treatment for Hair Loss - Vital Role of Consultations

As a cosmetic doctor, I cannot overstate the value of preliminary consultations with a capable healthcare provider or professional. This step is critical for successful PRP Treatment for Hair Loss. Patients need to understand that rushing into any treatment, including PRP, without consulting a qualified professional is risky and can undermine treatment results.

Understanding Your Consultation

During the consultation period, you should expect comprehensive evaluations and informative discussions about the PRP Treatment for Hair Loss. Let’s talk more about what to look forward too:


Your healthcare professional will conduct thorough examinations to determine your candidacy for PRP Treatment. They may check your medical history, hair loss pattern, and overall health condition.


Your doctor will discuss in detail about PRP Treatment for Hair Loss. You will learn about its benefits, risks, cost, procedure details and what results to expect while comparing them with other possible treatments.

The Opportunity to Ask Questions

A good consultation also gives patients an opportunity to get answers. Make sure you prepare your questions beforehand to fully understand the treatment plans and avoid any misconceptions or confusion later on.

The Significance of Open Communication

Maintaining open communication with your healthcare provider is essential throughout the PRP treatment process. It helps ensure your needs are met accurately and appropriately while building trust between patient and provider which can ultimately contribute greatly to successful results.

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Questions to Ask

Questions to Ask During Your PRP Treatment for Hair Loss Consultation

When considering PRP Treatment for hair loss, you should forward various questions during your consultations. These questions and the corresponding answers would allow you to fully understand the procedure, its benefits, potential risks and expected results. Here are some specific inquiries that you could ask your healthcare provider:

Potential Risks

  • What potential risks are there in regards to PRP treatment for hair loss?
  • How common are these risks?
  • What precautions can I take to minimise these risks?


  • What benefits should I expect from this PRP treatment?
  • How long will it take before I see noticeable improvements?

Alternative Treatments

  • If need be, what alternative treatments can be considered?
  • How does PRP treatment compare with these alternatives in terms of performance and cost-efficiency?

Expected Outcomes

  • Besides hair growth, what other changes should I look out for?
  • In case of a less than satisfactory outcome or any occurrence of side effects, what measures would you recommend?

Taking Notes and Keeping Records

Taking note of key points during your consultation is very beneficial. Here are some tips:

  1. Keep a notebook or digital document dedicated to your PRP treatment journey.
  2. Take note of every question you want to ask before your consultation and indicate your healthcare provider’s responses.
  3. Record every detail of the procedure along with any instructions or advice given by your cosmetic doctor.
  4. In case you forget, don’t hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider afterwards for any clarification.
Risks and Safety

Comprehending the Potential Hazards and Safety Measures of PRP Therapy for Hair Loss

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Treatment for Hair Loss is a reasonably Safety-focused and non-invasive procedure. However, as with any therapeutic intervention, it comes with potential risks and complications.

Potential Risks and Complications

  • Infection: In spite of its non-surgical nature, PRP treatment includes needle insertions which might put some patients at risk of infection.
  • Bleeding And Bruising: Given the fact that PRP therapy involves drawing your blood and injecting it into scalp areas suffering from hair loss, there may be minor bleeding or bruising at the site of injection.
  • Allergic Reactions: While rare, allergic reactions can occur due to the use of anesthesia or some other reacting agent during the treatments.
  • Ineffectiveness: Every individual responds differently to treatments. In some unique cases, PRP treatment may not facilitate desired hair growth.

Safety Measures in Place to minimise Risks

We enforce stringent safety measures to ensure a minimal risk environment for patients undergoing PRP treatment. Our treatment protocols include:

  • Sterilization Techniques: We uphold stringent sterilization protocols during all our procedures to reduce the chances of infections.
  • Suitable Equipment: We only use FDA-approved centrifuge machines and equipment for extracting plasma from your blood.
  • Carefully Monitored Anesthesia Use: If we use anesthesia during your procedure, we carefully monitor its administration to prevent allergic reactions.

The Role of Informed Consent in Acknowledging Potential Risks

Before proceeding with PRP Treatment for Hair Loss, it is crucial to discuss the procedural risks and complications with your cosmetic doctor. Once you understand the possible outcomes, you are required to sign an Informed Consent Form. This document acknowledges that you have been informed of, understand, and accept the potential risks of the procedure.


Preparing for PRP Hair Loss Treatment: Lifestyle, Diet, and Medication Considerations

Proper preparation is essential to ensure the effectiveness of your PRP treatment for hair loss. Not only will it contribute to the success of the procedure, but it will also hasten your recovery period. Please consider the following recommendations:

Lifestyle Adjustments

One of the most important aspects to consider is lifestyle adjustments. In the weeks leading up to your PRP treatment, aim to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes regular physical activity and adequate sleep, as both can significantly influence your body’s response to the treatment.

Moderate Exercise

Moderate exercise boosts overall health and improves blood flow — crucial for the efficacy of this hair loss treatment. However, avoid strenuous workouts 48 hours prior to your appointment.

Adequate Sleep

An adequate amount of sleep is vital as it helps in optimizing bodily functions, healing and recovery.

Dietary Restrictions

Prior to a PRP session, you’ll want to stick to a balanced diet rich in proteins and antioxidants. Ensuring proper nutrition provides your body with necessary healing elements and supports the immune system.

  • Avoid any potential allergenic foods including dairy products, shellfish, or nuts a few days before therapy as they might trigger inflammatory reactions.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine 72 hours prior because they reduce overall effectiveness by depleting body fluids.
  • Increase water intake: drinking plenty of water the day before sessions helps in keeping yourself hydrated.

Medications & Habits Modifications:

It’s crucial to discuss your current medications and habits with your healthcare provider before undergoing PRP for hair loss, as some substances can interfere with the procedure.

  1. Avoid anti-inflammatory medications, as they may inhibit the growth factors released by platelets in PRP.
  2. Smoking negatively impacts the effectiveness of PRP treatment. If possible, cease or reduce smoking prior to and post treatment.

Pre-operative instructions given by healthcare providers are tailored to each patient’s conditions and needs, and as such it is vital for individuals to strictly adhere to them.

Contact your healthcare provider if you have any concerns or issues regarding these preparation steps for optimal outcome from your PRP treatment.


Hair Restoration: Step-by-Step Procedure Guide on PRP Treatment

Before the Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment begins, the patient and the doctor will discuss the procedure, potential side effects, and expected results.

  1. Medical History Evaluation: The doctor thoroughly evaluates your medical history to ensure you’re a good candidate for PRP.
  2. Hair Assessment: Your doctor will examine your hair growth pattern, density, and hair health.
  3. Pre-procedure guidelines: Patients might be instructed to avoid certain medications or supplements prior to the procedure. If necessary, wash your hair prior to the appointment but avoid using any styling products.

During The Procedure

The actual procedure is completed in various stages which are enumerated below.

  1. Blood Collection:The first step in PRP therapy involves drawing blood from one’s arm, just like a routine blood test.
  2. Blood Processing:The blood is then spun in a centrifuge machine that separates blood components and isolates platelets rich plasma.
  3. Infection Control:To prevent any potential infection, local anesthesia is applied to numb the scalp and an antiseptic solution is applied on scalp.
  4. PRP Injection:Finally, using a small injection needle, the PRP solution is injected into numerous locations in scalp where hair growth needs stimulation.

Post-Procedure Care

A detailed look at aftercare instructions post-PRP treatment.

  • Recovery Time: Typically, there is Minimal recovery period and patients can resume their normal activities. Slight swelling or discomfort in the scalp region may be experienced.
  • Medication: Painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications might be given as per the patient’s condition.
  • Care of Treated Area: Avoid washing your hair till next day of the treatment. Keep the treated area clean and avoid touching it frequently.

PRP Hair Regrowth: Recovery & Complication Insights

The recovery process after platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment for hair loss is typically straightforward and comfortable for most patients. However, there are few things to consider for optimal results.

Post-Operative Care Instructions

Due to the minimally invasive nature of PRP treatment, there isn’t considerable use restrictions post-procedure. Nonetheless, it’s generally advised:

  1. To avoid washing your hair or using any hair products for at least 48 hours after the procedure.
  2. To refrain from coloring or bleaching your hair for a couple of weeks after treatment.

In regards to physical activities, you should be able to return to most day-to-day routines promptly; Nonetheless, it’s advised not to engage in strenuous exercises within the first 48 hours post-treatment.

Pain Management

Minor discomfort or a slight bruising sensation may be felt at the injection site. Over-the-counter pain medication can manage this, but any severe or persistent pain should be reported to your doctor immediately.

Follow-Up Appointments

Your doctor will probably schedule follow-up appointments, often one month after the initial procedure to monitor progress and decide if more treatments are necessary.

Potential Side Effects and Complications

The possibility of complications is minimal since PRP treatment uses one’s own platelets. However, potential side effects can occur:

  • Infection: Thanks to sterile techniques used during PRP, infection is rare but possible.
  • Allergic reactions: Though uncommon, allergies related to the PRP application can occur.
  • Temporary Shedding: Some patients may observe an increase in hair shedding soon after treatment; However, this is just a part of the resting phase and new hair growth follows shortly after.

Results and Maintenance After PRP Hair Loss Treatment

The results of PRP Treatment for hair loss can vary from person to person but generally, most individuals will experience visible improvements in the form of stronger and thicker hair.

Short-Term Outcomes

In the short-term, some individuals might notice a significant reduction in their hair loss rate. This typically occurs within the first few months following the treatment. However, tangible growth of new hair may take a little longer to be noticeable.

Long-Term Outcomes

In the long term, with consistent PRP treatments you can expect to see an overall improvement in the strength, thickness, and coverage of your hair. Given as this procedure helps with restoring vitality to inactive or underperforming hair follicles, many individuals experience a substantial boost in confidence as their hair conditions improve over time.

Expected Timeline

Patient’s hair restoration journey timeline after PRP treatment generally varies depending on their individual cases and response to the sessions. Nevertheless, usually patients start noticing a decline in hair loss after 1-2 months of PRP therapy. Following this phase after about 4-5 months from initial session, they may begin seeing an increase in hair thickness and some new growth as well.

Maintenance or Aftercare

To maintain the results post-PRP Therapy for Hair Loss it is crucial that patients adhere to a good at-home care regimen along with regular follow-up sessions (usually every 6-12months) as recommended by their doctors. It’s also beneficial to integrate healthy lifestyle habits like maintaining a balanced diet & ensuring proper sleep that significantly contributes towards overall health including your scalp and hairs.


People Also Ask

What is PRP treatment for hair loss?

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy for hair loss is a three-step medical procedure in which a patient’s blood is drawn, processed, and then injected into the scalp to stimulate natural hair growth.

PRP injections trigger natural hair growth by increasing blood supply to the hair follicle and inflating the thickness of the hair shaft.

This treatment is ideal for anyone experiencing hair thinning, hair loss or balding.

The number of required sessions varies from patient to patient depending on their specific needs and goals, but usually, three treatments 4–6 weeks apart are recommended for optimal results.

A typical treatment session lasts around 60-90 minutes.

The level of discomfort depends on individual pain tolerance, however numbing cream is typically used to minimise any potential discomfort during treatment.

Possible side effects include injury to blood vessels or nerves, infection, calcification at the injection points, and scar tissue. However,</rarely.

This varies between individuals but noticeable results are typically seen within six months. Repeat treatments may also be necessary to maintain the revitalisation of the hair follicles.

The effect of PRP hair treatment varies from individual to individual but it generally lasts about 12 to 24 months. To sustain the benefits, regular maintenance procedures might be required every 6 to 12 months.

Yes, patients can typically return to their regular schedules immediately after a PRP treatment session.

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Key Research Articles on PRP Hair Loss

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